Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Connection Between Blood Types And Personality

blood types

The blood types were discovered 100 yers ago in Vienna, Austria. The scientists in Europe began sugesting that there might be a connection between a person’s blood tyes and his/her personality. This belief has become popular, especially in many parts of Asia. The connection of it has influenced to the many puposes in this life. The following information of are each character or one’s personality depend on the blood type.
Blood type A, the person is always on time, hard worker and likes things perfect. He wants someone else to be a leader.
Blood type B, the person has emotional sense, with a strong personality. He has a natural leader and many new ideas, hates being told what to do.
 Blood type O, the person likes doing new things even they’re difficult . He is competitive person and loves to complete in business , at school and life. He thinks helping friends is important.
Blood type AB, has mixed personality. He doesn’t like showing his emotions and thinks friends are very important.
Do you believe it? For me, there are some points that do fit my personality but not all, so this is just a fun post. Don't take it seriously

Taken and simplified from Active Listening.                                                                                                                                                                       Helgesen/ Brown/Smith, 1996, Cambridge University

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